Corporate responsibility

Economic responsibility

In accordance with our operating principles, the emphasis of our economic responsibility is on strong solvency and profitable growth. Strong solvency and profitable growth enable the sustainable development of our business and the well-being of our personnel.

Strong solvency and profitable growth

Enables long-term commitment to employee well-being and increases social welfare through taxes and other investments for the public good.

Responsible ownership

Berner Ltd is a family-owned company that has contributed to the development of Finnish society throughout its existence. We are committed to keeping it this way.

We seek stable international growth while keeping our ownership and decision-making firmly rooted in Finland.

Tax footprint in the home market

Berner’s operations generate economic well-being for several stakeholders. It is a matter of honor for us to invest in Finland and pay our taxes in Finland and in our home market.

Throughout its existence, Berner has focused on investments in its home market in addition to international growth. Our operations generate economic well-being for several stakeholders. Suppliers, personnel, shareholders, and society all receive their share of the cash flow from Berner’s business operations.

Distribution of economic value and tax footprint

(EUR 1000)
Parent company
(EUR 1000)
Turnover, other operating income and financial income231 328317 613
Suppliers: Materials and services157 198227 810
Other partners: Other operating expenses and investments38 26445 266
Staff: Salaries and fees18 93724 110
Shareholders and financiers: Dividends and financial costs7 5697 662
Society: Taxes, pensions and social security costs36 90752 586